[isabelle-dev] Graph_Display.graphview_reportN resp. subtractive change of print mode

Makarius makarius at sketis.net
Wed Jan 9 12:29:20 CET 2013

On Sat, 29 Dec 2012, Makarius wrote:

> On Sat, 29 Dec 2012, Florian Haftmann wrote:
>> The graphview plugin, despite significant progress in the past weeks
>> esp. wrt. performance, is IMHO still not suitable to manage our typical
>> graphs (in particular class_deps), mainly due to too small-sized nodes
>> resp. too wide distances.
> Even more is missing to make it approach the quality of the ancient graph 
> browser by Stefan Berghofer from 1996: it lacks the important "rubberband" 
> phase to get the layout straight.
> The Swing/Scala replacement was added too early to the Isabelle code base, 
> expecting that it would become better before the release, but it probably 
> means that I have to finish it myself if nothing happens: removing more of 
> its experimental features and recovering functionality that was common-place 
> in the 1996 version.

See Isabelle/8cfd585b9162 from last Friday, where I have reactivated the 
old graph browser for the release.  It does not make sense to have a 
half-finished "new" tool in the product, when it cannot really replace the 
old one.

I am still hoping for Stefan Berghofer to help me port the best of his old 
browser to the new setting (Scala + Swing + jEdit) at some point after the 


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