[isabelle-dev] Interpretation in arbitrary targets.

Florian Haftmann florian.haftmann at informatik.tu-muenchen.de
Wed Apr 24 19:16:38 CEST 2013

> But for the moment I will leave this aside anyway.

Still one thing to add:


avoids the odd reinit entirely, the critical lines being

> fun add_dependency locale dep_morph mixin export =
>   (Local_Theory.raw_theory ooo Locale.add_dependency locale) dep_morph mixin export
>   #> activate_local_theory dep_morph mixin export

which add both an dependency *and* provide the facts in the context of
the current local theory.

Also, interpretation confined within blocks essentially boils down to
the singleton line

> val activate_local_theory = Local_Theory.target ooo activate_proof;

This is a great triumph of the »local everything« approach.



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