[isabelle-dev] Locale interpretation with mixins

Florian Haftmann florian.haftmann at informatik.tu-muenchen.de
Sun Jul 22 15:49:17 CEST 2012

Hi Clemens, hi Makarius,

let me continue concerning syntax:

The current syntax in Tools/interpretation_with_defs.ML is just a proof
of concept:

interpretation L inst
    "bar = t"
  defines f is foo

A much better idea could be to give the new defs in a for-clause:

interpretation L inst
  for f :: T
    "foo = f"
    "bar = t"

where the implicit definitions (f) are mentioned in the for-clause.

One could also think about hiding away the full generality of a) from
the user (for which there might be good reasons) and have something like

interpretation L inst
  for f :: T
    f is foo
    t is bar

Or the where clause could be integrated completely into the locale
expression using named syntax:

interpretation L (| f := foo, t := bar |)
  for f :: T



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