[isabelle-dev] Must the AFP be used as a component?

Florian Haftmann florian.haftmann at informatik.tu-muenchen.de
Sat Dec 15 11:44:43 CET 2012

Hi all,

> The reason is that Open_Induction/ROOT (and also
> Open_Induction/Open_Induction.thy) relies on $AFP being set, which is
> only the case if AFP is registered as a component (which is not the case
> for Mira).

I would recommend that mira incorporates AFP as component, since this is
what we regularly recommend to users also.

> OT:  I just saw this: What is the reason for mira writing
>    init_components "$COMPONENT/contrib"
> "$ISABELLE_HOME/Admin/components/main"
> instead of
>    init_components "$ISABELLE_HOME/contrib"
> "$ISABELLE_HOME/Admin/components/main"
> to the settings file?

what is »the« settings file in that case?  Currently there are
* the ancient mira template mechanism with its settings templates which
had always been a tendency to be ignored, increasing over time
* three mira instances (whose exact purpose is not clear to me ad-hoc)

Btw. these settings files would have been typically candidates for the
config-tum repository.  The mira template mechanism coule then be abandoned.



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