[isabelle-dev] Reasons mira crashes

Lars Noschinski noschinl at in.tum.de
Fri Dec 14 09:40:49 CET 2012

On 28.11.2012 10:11, Lars Noschinski wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> mira still crashes from time to time. Sometimes, it is not a programming
> error, but some external error condition which could maybe be handled
> more gracefully:

Next error condition: Isabelle fails to produce any heap image. I have 
no idea what failed there (the commit on which it failed seems to be 
working and the crash ), but it should not crash mira (see attached logs).

Strictly speaking, this is a problem of the supplied AFP/admin/mira.py 
and Isabelle/Admin/mira.py scripts. I am not sure what the correct fix 
is -- catch any exception (except RTS stuff) in there, on the account 
that user configuration should not be able to bring down the daemon or
just fix these functions locally to report that there is no data to 
report. I am leaning to the latter, at the moment.

What kind of data my these functions return?

   -- Lars
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