[isabelle-dev] Unable to push to Isabelle reop

Clemens Ballarin ballarin at in.tum.de
Wed Aug 15 23:58:14 CEST 2012

I'm recently getting

clemens-ballarins-macbook-air:IsarRef ballarin$ hg push
remote: Not trusting file  
/home/isabelle-repository/repos/isabelle/.hg/hgrc from untrusted user  
wenzelm, group isabelle
pushing to  
searching for changes
remote: Not trusting file  
/mnt/nfsbroy/home/isabelle-repository/repos/isabelle/.hg/hgrc from  
untrusted user wenzelm, group isabelle
remote: abort: could not lock repository  
/home/isabelle-repository/repos/isabelle: Permission denied
abort: unexpected response: empty string

I wonder whether this is related to the recently 'broken' repository,  
or are my permissions degrading?


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