[isabelle-dev] NEWS / CONTRIBUTORS

Florian Haftmann florian.haftmann at informatik.tu-muenchen.de
Mon Sep 12 19:29:22 CEST 2011

Hi Lukas,

the rename

  AssocList ~> AList_Impl

should sound

  AssocList ~> AList

Nota bene:

  T.thy – theory as intended to be used by other theoreis
  T_Impl.thy – implementation for abstract type

Since ALists are not abstract, there is no AList_Impl.thy, but cf.

The rename

  AssocList ~> AList

will be fruitful in the middle run: generic operations with popular
names should be qualified, and AssocList.update will not do.  The data
structure library theories then can orient more and more towards the
Isabelle/ML library (fragments of this intension already showing up in




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