[isabelle-dev] Failure semantics for isabelle sessions

Lars Noschinski noschinl at in.tum.de
Thu Oct 20 07:32:43 CEST 2011

On 19.10.2011 23:36, Jasmin Christian Blanchette wrote:
> Am 19.10.2011 um 22:34 schrieb Alexander Krauss:
>> Does anybody know if there is a straightforward translation of the error codes 134/137 into English?
> Just Google "Unix exit codes".
> E.g. 134 = "The job is killed with an abort signal, and you probably got core dumped", 137 = "The job was killed because it exceeded the time limit", and 139 = "Segmentatation violation".

Usually, the exit codes >128 presented to you by the shell are
  128+(nr of signal). When wait()ing on a process, you can also 
differentiate between killed by a signal and a program just returning 
error codes >128.

   -- Lars

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