[isabelle-dev] New Testing Infrastructure -- status report

Clemens Ballarin ballarin at in.tum.de
Mon May 30 21:57:14 CEST 2011

Quoting Alexander Krauss <krauss at in.tum.de>:

> - Missing email notification
>   Here is some room for discussion: What would be a good notification
>   scheme? Since tests are now run continuously, sending an email after
>   each run is not really an option. Should we simply go for a daily
>   summary? More sophisticated options are possible (e.g., notify the
>   author of a broken changeset when all its parents are working), but
>   these require some thought.

Continuous integration servers (such as Jenkins,  
http://jenkins-ci.org/) normally send e-mails to interested parties  
when a build breaks and when it goes back to normal.  They can also  
send e-mails to culprits who broke the build, but I have not used that  


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