[isabelle-dev] More jedit build trouble (Re: NEWS: embedded YXML syntax)

Makarius makarius at sketis.net
Tue Jul 12 12:12:10 CEST 2011

On Mon, 11 Jul 2011, Alexander Krauss wrote:

> Now I tried to update, and I am having problems. I am running Isabelle 
> 52310132063b with jedit-build-20110622. The build itself works fine but when 
> I run "isabelle jedit Scratch.thy", I get
> 9:21:32 PM [main] [error] main: ### Isabelle system initialization

This is OK.

It is how jEdit displays raw output on java.lang.System.err.  The warning 
ss part of the Isabelle system bootstrap process that I am still tinkering 

> Then, jedit starts up, but it doesn't seem to process any text...

I am not aware of any problem at the moment.  Make sure that the logic 
image and the jEdit application are freshly made.  There is also "isabelle 
jedit -f" to take a fresh start concerning the Scala components.


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