[isabelle-dev] Fwd: [isabelle] Problem with frule_tac substitution

Makarius makarius at sketis.net
Wed Feb 9 16:12:28 CET 2011

On Wed, 9 Feb 2011, Alexander Krauss wrote:

> I don't think that anybody wants to say (or imply) anything like that. 
> As I understood it, this particular point ("Why do nonzero indexnames 
> show up in this situation, and shouldn't they rather be normalized to 
> zero as they are in other situations (e.g. toplevel statements), too?") 
> may simply be yet another fine point that one might want to address in 
> the future.
> In particular, this fine point is completely orthogonal to the issue of 
> concrete syntax for indexnames that was raised initially.

I have worked on all this for many years, and there are connections in 
very fine points.


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