[isabelle-dev] Pattern.match -- a minute

Makarius makarius at sketis.net
Wed Mar 3 12:24:17 CET 2010

On Wed, 3 Mar 2010, Walther Neuper wrote:

> theory Test
> imports Complex_Main
> begin
> ML {*
>  val thy = @{theory Complex_Main};
>  val parse = Syntax.read_term_global thy;
>  val (pa, tm) = (parse "a + b::real", parse "x + 2*z::real");
>  val (tye, tme) =
>       (Vartab.empty : Type.tyenv, Vartab.empty : Envir.tenv);
>  Pattern.match thy (pa, tm) (tye, tme);
> *}
> end
> ... raises:
> *** Exception- TOPLEVEL_ERROR raised
> *** At command "ML".
> Questions:
> (1) How can I get better error messages ?

By using the official Isabelle2009-1 distribution with Poly/ML 5.3.0 you 
should get something like this in the very beginning:

   *** exception MATCH raised (line 368 of "pattern.ML")

You can also say ML "Toplevel.debug := true" to get even more information.

> (2) How do I get rid of the error message ?

By making pa a pattern with schematic variables, not free ones.

Since this is a "global" example for now, you can use Logic.varify 
(although that does not work in general local situations, where parts are 
fixed and parts are arbitrary).


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