[isabelle-dev] JinjaThreads

Alexander Krauss krauss at in.tum.de
Sat Dec 18 22:16:33 CET 2010

Clemens Ballarin wrote:
> JinjaThreads doesn't seem to run out of the box (on macbroy2, with 
> Poly/ML 5.3.0).  It seems to run out of memory.
> I use ML_OPTIONS="-H 500", but I would assume the AFP sets this 
> appropriately.
> Probably this is a known issue, but I don't know where to check for the 
> automatic AFP logs.

The logs are in ~isatest/afp-log. I would assume that you do not need 
special settings on macbroy2. On smaller machines one must turn off 
parallelism, I was told.

I am not sure where the settings for the AFP tests come from, though...


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