[isabelle-dev] Beta/Eta normalisation and net matching.

Lawrence Paulson lp15 at cam.ac.uk
Wed Aug 4 11:34:58 CEST 2010

This practically goes back to the dawn of time. Any theorem produced by resolution would be beta-eta-normal. And this includes most theorems, but certainly not all.

On 4 Aug 2010, at 02:50, Thomas Sewell wrote:

> Hello Isabelle developers.
> I was about to have another attempt at speeding up a tactic we implemented for L4.verified using net-matching. In reading Pure/net.ML I spotted the comment "Requires operands to be beta-eta-normal." In rereading the existing biresolution_from_nets_tac code, however, I didn't spot any attempt to beta/eta normalise the terms passed.
> It occurs to me that I don't even know whether theorems in Isabelle can be assumed to be beta/eta normal. Does anyone have any quick pointers on that? Is there a potential bug here? Don't go searching for it - I'm happy to build some test cases and search for the answer myself if noone knows.
> Yours,
>    Thomas.
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