[isabelle-dev] x-symbols

Lawrence Paulson lp15 at cam.ac.uk
Wed Aug 26 16:13:52 CEST 2009

Thanks for the tip. On the X11 version of Emacs, I found Options ->  
Set font/fontset and it did the trick.

I didn't have any luck however with Aquamacs (http://aquamacs.org/),  
which claims to be based on Emacs 23. I could not find Options -> Set  
font/fontset at all.

On 25 Aug 2009, at 19:02, David Aspinall wrote:

> Lawrence Paulson wrote:
>> Does anybody know what would cause the symbols that look like this?  
>> It is the latest version of proof general running under GNU Emacs  
>> 22.2.1
> Nobody else came running so I'll answer...
> First of all: everyone will have a *much* better experience with  
> Emacs 23.x if you can find/build a version.  It's what persuaded me  
> Emacs was worth sticking with.  I wish they would release it  
> properly.  Some Linux distributions (e.g. Ubuntu) are distributing  
> it as a package now (emacs-snapshot).
> Supposing you have to stick with Emacs 22.2:
> This effect is caused by using a font which does not have glyphs in  
> the Unicode positions for the tokens.   You can select a better font  
> to improve matters, try:
>  Tokens -> Make fontsets
> and then
>   Options -> Set font/fontset
> and try the possibilities on the "Fontset" submenu. On the Linux I'm  
> using right now, I get a better result with the fontset "standard:16- 
> dot-medium" than I do with the custom pgXXX fontsets created by the  
> first menu command.  Not sure why, it wasn't the case when I wrote  
> all the fontset support mess a year ago.
> I thought I had documented this somewhere but can't find it now,  
> must admit.
> - David
> -- 
> The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
> Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

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